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Traffic Index:
Luang Prabang, Laos 🇱🇦 - 2024
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Traffic Index
The higher the value, the worse!
Summary: transportation services – Luang Prabang
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Average commute time in the city during peak hours – Not enough data
Average time spent in traffic jams – Not enough data
The cost of gasoline – Not enough data
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Luang Prabang, Laos
See the average salary in the quality of life index research
See prices for goods and services in the cost of living index research
Traffic Index: Luang Prabang
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Transportation services
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Cost of a single city bus fare
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Cost of a single subway fare
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Average cost of a typical taxi ride
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Own and maintain a car
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Local price of a new Toyota Corolla 1.6
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Cost of gasoline (1 gallon)
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Cost of changing the oil in the car
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Fine for a first-time speeding violation
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Local price of a new Tesla Model 3
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Traffic jams
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Average time to get to work or school (minutes)
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Average time spent in a traffic jam (minutes)
⚠️ There is not enough data
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Avg, minutes
This is not a percentage probability. It is a reflection of the predominant assessment of local residents
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Luang Prabang, Laos 🇱🇦
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