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Cost of Living Index:
Centurion, Uruguay ๐บ๐พ - 2025
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Cost of Living Index
Calculated for 1 adult with a car, without children and insurance. The higher the value, the worse!
Summary: cost of living โ Centurion
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Basket of goods and services for 1 person โ Not enough data
Average rent price for a 1-bedroom apartment โ Not enough data
Cost of entertainment for 1 adult โ Not enough data
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Rankings 2025
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Centurion, Uruguay
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Local prices: Centurion
Cafe & restaurants
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Hamburger such as a Big Mac at McDonald's
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Lunch in an inexpensive cafe for 1 person
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Dinner for two in a middle class restaurant
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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A cup of cappuccino, such as Starbucks or similar
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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A glass of beer in a regular bar (16 oz)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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A glass of wine in a middle class restaurant
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Food prices
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Standard pack of chicken eggs
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Regular apples (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Regular milk (1 gallon)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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White rice (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Domestic cheese (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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A loaf of fresh bread
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Chicken fillets (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Regular oranges (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Bottle of Coca-Cola (16 oz)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Regular tomatos (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Beef (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Regular potato (1 lb)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Bottle of plain, non-carbonated water (16 oz)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Pack of 20 cigarettes (Marlboro)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Bottle of wine in a regular supermarket (0.75 liters)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Bottle of beer in a regular supermarket (16 oz)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Transportation services
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Cost of a single city bus fare
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Cost of a single subway fare (or tram)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Average cost of a typical taxi ride
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Own and maintain a car
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Local price of a new Toyota Corolla 1.6
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Cost of gasoline (1 gallon)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Cost of changing the oil in the car
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Fine for a first-time speeding violation
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Local price of a new Tesla Model 3
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Real estate and rental apartments
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Total cost of utilities for a 1-bedroom apartment (monthly)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Monthly cost of mobile services
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Monthly payment for home Internet
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Outside city center apartment price (1 sq feet)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Rental cost for a one-bedroom apartment outside the city center
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
Education, leisure and shopping
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Monthly gym membership
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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1 Pair of Jeans (Levis or similar)
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Cost of a movie ticket for a regular screening
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Cost of attending kindergarten for one month
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Annual cost of attending a private school
โ ๏ธ There is not enough data
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Avg, USD
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Centurion, Uruguay ๐บ๐พ
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